Making your ultrasound experience feel at home.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Wanting to know the difference between 2D/3D/4D ultrasound?

2D ultrasound is the traditional method used for years. They provide flatter, two-dimentional, black and white images of your baby. 3D ultrasound is an advanced method which captures a true, three-dimensional image of your baby, often allowing the ability to see specific facial features and well-defined formation. 4D is like 3D but in a real time video format and has more of a “live” feel to it. You may have seen 4D ultrasound videos where babies are actively smiling or yawning, etc. The 3D/4D ultrasound images are typically displayed in a sepia color.

Do you really need to have a full bladder for your ultrasound?

We only suggest this very early in pregnancy as it often makes for easier visualization of the baby. This is no longer necessary after 9 weeks gestation.

Precious Predictions LLC